Monday, December 12, 2011

World Orchid Conference 2011


Yes, that's the first thing I had to say. Although it's only because I have been crazy busy lately with Cocoquettes and meeting up with friends, I really haven't had much time to stop and think, much less even blog.

Speaking of which, it's Cocoquettes' 5th birthday today!!!! Wow, 5 years just flew by like that. We're conducting a freebie giveaway on our Facebook page so go participate okay! I think the freebies this year are pretty darn attractive, definitely a good reward just for a couple of clicks so GOGOGO NOW. 

Yes, so I finally had a short break yesterday and I figured I'd better churn out a blog post before this week gets crazy again! Got errands to run tomorrow for something CCQ-related, it's something quite exciting for both Lala and I, but we'll announce more details later in the week! Plus we're having a clothing launch sometime later this week so... Yes, I have a lot of things to do. Especially cuz Lala just flew off today for 8 days, so I'm handling everything alone! SOOO if efficiency isn't on par with our usual standard, please accept my apologies in advance! (Although I'd like to think that even when either of us are a one-woman-show we're still pretty efficient. :D)

Well, this was supposed to be a photo post, with photos from the World Orchid Conference last month! Actually I only went cuz my mum was helping out with some part of the show, but it was actually quite enjoyable (especially because we got to visit Gardens by the Bay before it officially opens in June next year!). :)

My outfit! :D Cocoquettes Colours of the Wind Dress in Blue-Green. Lovelovelove this dress, and we had customers who bought both colours, some bought the Red-Purple one after receiving their Blue-Green one and loving every bit of it!


Entering one of the Gardens by the Bay flower domes...

These look really small in my picture, but in real life they are ABSOLUTELY HUMONGOUS. Do you know what they are?

They're Baobabs!! Hahaha and those at the Gardens are like a few hundred years old or something. It was quite amusing for me actually because I just happened to finish reading The Little Prince a few days before this, and the author mentions Baobabs a few times in the book!


The flower dome we got to enter was really nice actually! But it's hella cold inside, got to be like 16degC or something!! Probably cuz some of the plants need the cold climate to survive. But definitely worth visiting when it opens next year!

And more pictures from E's camera...


My "stunned tio" look. This is his favourite picture though haha.




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