Monday, December 5, 2011

Turning two-two

I've got a bunch of old photos that still haven't even made it to my blog, so to kick off the first pictorial post on this blog, I thought it'd be nice to start with photos from my birthday earlier on in October. :) So while my photos are stilllllll getting uploaded to Flickr, I'll just taptaptap away on my keyboard which means more text for you to read (oh no).

2011 marked my 22nd year as a human being on this earth (I'm really not getting any younger here and I'm certainly not liking it!), and it was a pretty simple affair, just the way I liked it. :) Had school (what a mood dampener), received a little SURPRISE (!!) from my dearest Uni friends, dinner with my family, supper with G.. The day after was spent procuring my birthday present/new phone, and then a nice dinner with G.

The surprise from my NUS peeps was hilarious to say the least, because it started off with Ruth almost causing an accident by making me nearly crash my car into her little black beetle affectionately named Ryan! After much uhm reversing and moving our cars back and forth (because our near-crash actually ended up holding up other cars behind), they presented me with a pint of Haagen-Dazs (yumyum), and told me...

"Sorry! They didn't have candles so we got you some twigs..."

Mind you, we were in the middle of the NUS carpark (which, if you don't know, is outdoors and lined with numerous trees), so I thought Ruth was just being lame and trying to be funny.

Turns out, they got me TWIX! You know, like,

THIS KIND OF TWIX. My friends are just damn cute/hilarious sometimes.

Ripped this pic off Facebook because I didn't expect my school day to be anything special so I didn't bring a camera! Anyway, yes, as you can see, there were REALLY twigs in the carpark.

All in all, it was very sweet and thoughtful! Especially because Estee came all the way down from NTU just for this random little surprise (so touched!), and I was really happy to see them because apart from Kevin whom I only see all the time cuz we take 2 out of 4 modules together, everyone else is busy with their respective majors/schools, so it's quite rare that I get to see them around. :(

So yes, that was the surprise. And now on with the dinner pictures!

We ended up at Akashi for dinner (original plan was to go to Antoinette, but ahh long story short, we didn't get to go in the end), and I didn't take many pictures but here're a couple of random ones! (Mostly of food haha.)

My sister got me my favourite flower! (And I was damn happy just now cuz while editing this pic I realised it's damn easy to do this colour select thing on Photoshop! I used to love Canon cameras cuz they had the function in-built, but it's so simple to do it on Photoshop as well!)

Melt in your mouth beefy goodness.

Da pao-ed some macarons from Antoinette even though we didn't dine there. They're average only though. :(

My favourite california maki at Akashi!

This was the next day. G and I were trying to camwhore and the pictures kept coming out blurry! Cleaned the lens, still came out blurry! Then we realised the camera was fogged up INSIDE (i.e. behind the lens)! -.-

Fixed it! (Y)

Dinner was at La Cantina in Venezie at Changi V Hotel. I've been wanting to go back since we came here for our 2nd anniversary over 2 years back, because the first time we went there, I was sick and could barely taste our food! :( But believe me when I say getting to Changi Village is really a JOURNEY TO THE EAST and it really takes quite a bit of willpower to want to drive so far just for dinner. :/

Can almost never put down our Blackberries. :/ And no, it's not a good thing.

You know what, I'm really lousy at taking food pictures. :( But anyway, that's what we had to share between the two of us. WHICH WAS A HELL LOT OF FOOD. You probably can't tell from the pictures, but each main (pasta/pizza) was good enough to fill one person to the brim. So having a soup to share, plus bread, plus a whole pizza, and a pasta EACH... Omg we totally over ordered. :/

I've also been really keen to try their crabmeat pasta, and you know how I like to save the best for the last... So I very gey kiang-ly ate quite a bit of pizza before I started on my pasta, and ended up only being able to finish about half my pasta. :( Which was SO SAD cuz I really liked it but I just. Simply. Couldn't. Eat. Anymore. The crabmeat pasta is really good though, much better than Marmalade Pantry's in my opinion! But I guess more so now because I think MP's standard of food has been dropping in recent months/years. :(

We took like a million shots outside the restaurant after, but most of them came out super blurry cuz the lighting was kinda bad. :(

Drove to. Uh. Somewhere else in the far East after that to chill and watch planes! Exactly the same thing we did on our 2nd anniversary, but still very enjoyable nonetheless. :)

There was a hell lot of lightning that night, so we decided to try and take photos of lightning! (It's really not easy to get the timing right cuz the lightning literally flashes for a split second then disappears.)

Successful on my second attempt! But I Photoshopped this picture to look nicer lah, so the colours look a bit more dramatic than the raw pic does. :D

Took pictures of my dress after because I was wearing the Cocoquettes Embellished Drape Dress in Blanc! But I am a super failzzzzz model, so the best shots are usually those where I'm not actually posing for the camera. -.-

Last picture of us to end this post!

Wow I rambled on so much this post I think I'm having a bout of verbal diarrhoea. Or maybe I'm just a lot more chirpy and energetic post-exams. :) Now it's 3 a.m. and it's about time I went to sleep. Good night darlings. x


  1. (why do i not have these coupley dates? hahahahaha. yours looked fun! and nice. and romantic. heehee.) why did you move to blogger! why! was livejournal not enough for you? huh? haha.


  2. eh okay this sucks cuz i don't know how to reply to your comment directly?!! (or maybe blogger doesn't even provide that option, meh)

    anyway, aiyah we only have this kind of coupley dates once in like eons, cuz we just don't have the time for it! usually only on special occasions lah. :)

    hahaha no lahhhh i don't know why but i just felt like moving! and blogger is easier to customize and stuff! (read: easy to add my pink and white polka-dotted background) and you can actually save multiple drafts plus schedule your posts to be published at a certain time i think (haven't tried it out yet). plus i've stuck with livejournal for sooooo long already. ;p

  3. hahaha! at least the comments system is one thing good about lj! it's one of my reasons for ultimately choosing it! heehee. i'm very stuck in my ways one. but then, maybe cause i moved from blogger to livejournal la haha.

    okay! now i know to find you here :D but y'know..livejournal luvz u 4eva! hahaha!

    by the way, love, you're very photogenic :D heehee!

    p/s. it is also sickening that i can't comment via the livejournal option! that's why i'm using the name/url option.. nyeh!

  4. i used to use blogger many years ago too! i think i used freeopendiary -> diaryland -> blogger -> livejournal -> blogger or something like that! (very fickle, evidently)

    haha noooo i'm really not photogenic! :( i think i got less photogenic as i grew older! maybe i only 'appear' photogenic cos i choose the nice photos to put up lah! :p

    ya okay conclusion: the comments system on blogger is really failzzzzz. :(
