Saturday, January 7, 2012

Ridin' the waves!

Been meaning to blog for sometime now, especially since G has flown off to Canada already and I am supposed to be free-er. But that hasn't been the case exactly, which explains my absence from this space! More on that another time, but here are photos from a wakeboarding session earlier on in December with G and Macey. :D

First thing I noticed after we parked was that the car adjacent to us had reindeer antlers attached to it! Hahahaha was super amused with that. :)

I was the first to go and the water was mothereffin' FREEZING cos it'd been raining a lot!

Fresh out of the water and all ready to camwhore haha.

G's turn!

I apologise if you're getting sick of our faces..

Just did my nails the day before so I couldn't stop admiring them hehe.

Macey's turn. :)

G, fresh out of the water. And my hair looking a little more tame now.

Macey managed to sorta stand up despite it being her first try at wakeboarding! :)

Group picture to end off the session. :)

Post-wakeboarding, we decided to go for a super early dinner cos we were starving anyway. Headed to Nakhon for some Thai food, and it was awesome! Dying to return again soon, but during peak hours the queue gets a little crazy though, so it's best if you go early. After Nakhon, we gave in to temptation and had twister fries muahahahaha.

'Twas a fun day filled with good food. Can't say the same for the day after wakeboarding though. I had to avoid moving as much as I could cos of the crazy body ache I was having.  :X



  1. oh my gosh funnnn! (: heehee i never knew you wakeboard..ed? hahaha. who was driving the boat?

  2. haha yes, i do! but i'm not a pro wakeboarder lah, this was only my 3rd or 4th time! it's fun to go wakeboarding once in a while during the holidays lah. :)

    oh, this... man. hahaha. when you rent the boat, the driver-cum-instructor is included! so if you're a first timer, he'll teach you how to wakeboard from scratch, or even if you've gone a couple of times before (like me) he'll teach you how to improve and/or new stuff to try out!
