Sunday, September 9, 2012


Nearly another quarter has passed since my last post. My new blogging habits seem to hint at the possibility that I will only update my blog every quarter now.

I've finally started work just a month back and something job-related has recently started getting on my nerves, something I felt I had to explain somewhere, even if no one ever reads this. Just so I can retain my sanity.

So. Nowadays, when I meet people who aren't already aware of what it is that I am doing, the conversation goes something like that:

"So where are you working now?"

"Bank of xxx."

"Wow, private banking!!" (Is the response I get from the better-informed. For those who've no idea what bank this is, the same response will come 5 seconds later after I've explained that this is a private bank.)

"Yup, but I'm doing HR."

"Ohhhh... But is the pay okay?" OR
"Ohhhh... I see." *in a slightly pitiful/concerned tone*
*Insert variety of responses that hint at some form of some form of pity*

Here's what I have to say: WHY the pitiful/concerned tone and why the obsession with how much I am earning??? Is it any of your business, really? Firstly, this is what I chose to do. I actually wanted to do this. FYI, I didn't take this job cos I was desperate or anything. If I was, I wouldn't have turned down two job offers before accepting this one. And just so you know, anamericanbankthatiusedtoworkat also called me just this week asking if I'd reconsider a job I was interviewing for even though the manager already knows that I've started work elsewhere. This is why I don't understand why people act as if I must be just-making-do with my current job. Just cause all of you covet investment banking/corporate finance/corporate banking/private banking jobs, doesn't mean I have to feel the same way. I'll have you know that right now, I have ZERO interest in frontline jobs in those sectors. Secondly, salary isn't exactly my highest priority when choosing a job. I'm sorry, but unlike some of you, I can't do a job just for the sake of money. If you can, good for you.

So there. That's all I had to say. Just can't wrap my mind around the way people act sometimes...

But to the ones close to my heart, who don't give a shit about what I do for a living so long as I'm happy, thank you. <3

Have a good September, folks. (And if I'm not back soon, a good October, November, and December too!)
