Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Back to Reality

A third of the year has passed by in a flash since I last updated. :O While there is so much to be written about the past 4 months, I'm at a loss as to where I can possibly begin. In essence, though:

  • Attended school and studied like a good student should
  • Worked my ass off to get the grades to get my second upper back after losing it last semester like an idiot
  • Got my second upper back and got better grades than I needed
  • Miraculously scored an A+ and an A! (I give my thanks to the Bell Curve God)
  • Bummed around for a month
  • London-Rome-Florence-Venice-Paris-London; Eurotripped

And then some other things occurred in between, but I'll save that for people closer to my heart.

So now I'm back in Singapore and feeling a strange kind of low which can only occur after you've been away for nearly 3 incredible weeks and reality has suddenly given you a hard smack in the face. Regardless, I'm thankful for the 3 week respite and the amazing people that spent it with me. :') It's merely been a day since I last saw them but I'm already missing them like crazy.

But for now,

A Laduree macaron a day shall keep the London-sickness away.

And here's to (hopefully) more adventures of the 短裤妹 plus one!
