Sunday, September 9, 2012


Nearly another quarter has passed since my last post. My new blogging habits seem to hint at the possibility that I will only update my blog every quarter now.

I've finally started work just a month back and something job-related has recently started getting on my nerves, something I felt I had to explain somewhere, even if no one ever reads this. Just so I can retain my sanity.

So. Nowadays, when I meet people who aren't already aware of what it is that I am doing, the conversation goes something like that:

"So where are you working now?"

"Bank of xxx."

"Wow, private banking!!" (Is the response I get from the better-informed. For those who've no idea what bank this is, the same response will come 5 seconds later after I've explained that this is a private bank.)

"Yup, but I'm doing HR."

"Ohhhh... But is the pay okay?" OR
"Ohhhh... I see." *in a slightly pitiful/concerned tone*
*Insert variety of responses that hint at some form of some form of pity*

Here's what I have to say: WHY the pitiful/concerned tone and why the obsession with how much I am earning??? Is it any of your business, really? Firstly, this is what I chose to do. I actually wanted to do this. FYI, I didn't take this job cos I was desperate or anything. If I was, I wouldn't have turned down two job offers before accepting this one. And just so you know, anamericanbankthatiusedtoworkat also called me just this week asking if I'd reconsider a job I was interviewing for even though the manager already knows that I've started work elsewhere. This is why I don't understand why people act as if I must be just-making-do with my current job. Just cause all of you covet investment banking/corporate finance/corporate banking/private banking jobs, doesn't mean I have to feel the same way. I'll have you know that right now, I have ZERO interest in frontline jobs in those sectors. Secondly, salary isn't exactly my highest priority when choosing a job. I'm sorry, but unlike some of you, I can't do a job just for the sake of money. If you can, good for you.

So there. That's all I had to say. Just can't wrap my mind around the way people act sometimes...

But to the ones close to my heart, who don't give a shit about what I do for a living so long as I'm happy, thank you. <3

Have a good September, folks. (And if I'm not back soon, a good October, November, and December too!)


Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Back to Reality

A third of the year has passed by in a flash since I last updated. :O While there is so much to be written about the past 4 months, I'm at a loss as to where I can possibly begin. In essence, though:

  • Attended school and studied like a good student should
  • Worked my ass off to get the grades to get my second upper back after losing it last semester like an idiot
  • Got my second upper back and got better grades than I needed
  • Miraculously scored an A+ and an A! (I give my thanks to the Bell Curve God)
  • Bummed around for a month
  • London-Rome-Florence-Venice-Paris-London; Eurotripped

And then some other things occurred in between, but I'll save that for people closer to my heart.

So now I'm back in Singapore and feeling a strange kind of low which can only occur after you've been away for nearly 3 incredible weeks and reality has suddenly given you a hard smack in the face. Regardless, I'm thankful for the 3 week respite and the amazing people that spent it with me. :') It's merely been a day since I last saw them but I'm already missing them like crazy.

But for now,

A Laduree macaron a day shall keep the London-sickness away.

And here's to (hopefully) more adventures of the 短裤妹 plus one!


Saturday, February 11, 2012

CNY & Noche Silencio

A post dedicated to the remaining pictures from my January.

CNY! Didn't take many photos cos... Well, isn't CNY the same every year? Here's one of my cousins gambling.

Our mahjong korner.

My darling nieces who've grown so big!

And their mommy. :)

Well. Yeah. That's all the pictures I have from CNY haha.

Right on to Noche Silencio!

But first, a rosti dinner at Marche. I always order the same thing everytime I go there. I think in recent years the standard of food has dropped though. :( The rosti has become increasingly oily and less crisp and a little more mushy. Plus the food is becoming increasingly overpriced as well. :(

Mushroom soup with our heap of croutons.

Televeners! (Plus Haowen, haha.)

Tried to get to SMU early-ish but it was already packed by the time we arrived. :( (Spot people sitting on the floor.) This was the salsa workshop that was conducted before the actual performance!

Tried to take pictures of Laina dancing, but failed like a Twitter fail whale cos I brought my pancake lens plus the lighting was so dim. :(


Unintentional paparazzi-esque shot (which I love).

The HUGE mistakes eraser we got her from Smiggle teehee.



I lurve my crazy fwenz.

Things to note:
1. The distance from Shar's lips to Laina's face
2. Shar's expression

An attempt to replicate a photo that we took together when we were 19 (?). Unfortunately, Mummy, Cel and I got our numbers wrong, haha.

Hairpee picture of Cel and Shar to end the post!


Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Sleek VS NARS; Of make-up and other frivolous things

Sometime earlier last month, Kevin finally came back from the UK!! And along with him, he brought back some goodies for me... :D Well anyway, just prior to his trip, I happened to chance upon a youtube video by gossmakeupartist which mentioned Sleek Makeup's blushes. From what I understand, Sleek is a UK drugstore cosmetics brand that churns out pretty good products! So I did a little more research and decided to order a blush and an eyeshadow palette. :D

It's been said that Sleek's Rose Gold blush is a dupe of NARS' Orgasm. Since I'm such a huge fan of NARS Orgasm, obviously I had to order Rose Gold and do a comparison!

Sleek on the left and NARS on the right. (As you can tell, Orgasm is very well-loved by my sister and I. This is our third Orgasm blush!) In the pan, the blushes look quite different, Sleek Rose Gold appears a lot more peachy than NARS Orgasm does.

On the skin, they look a little more similar. Rose Gold is A LOT more pigmented than Orgasm is. Orgasm's a little sheer, while a little of Rose Gold goes a long way. You can still see how Rose Gold looks more peachy here, but frankly when worn on the cheeks, they look pretty much the same to me!

The verdict? Considering that the colours look extremely similar (to me, at least), and Sleek blushes come with 0.27oz of product while NARS only gives you 0.16oz of product, PLUS Sleek costs USD6.50 (+ shipping) while NARS usually costs anywhere between SGD40-45, the choice should be obvious. Unfortunately, both these brands can't be bought off the shelf in Singapore haha, but the Sleek website offers international shipping!

I also got the Au Naturel i-Divine (USD10.50) eyeshadow palette. :D Here with the blush for size comparison.

Comes with 12 neutral/earthy shades inside!

A few swatches of random colours that I picked out. The matte shades come out a little meh, but all the other shades are gorgeously pigmented and swatched really well! I'd say this was a pretty good buy for the price! :) Unfortunately, I've only used this palette a couple of times so far and have been neglecting it cos of something else I purchased... (See below.)

Also got Kevin to bring back a Cambridge Satchel for me teehee! :) It's a little tiny though, and considering how I usually carry relatively large bags so that I can throw lots of stuff in, this bag took a bit of getting used to. :(

And also, I caved and bought the Urban Decay Naked Palette! :X (Which is why I've been neglecting the Sleek one.) I guess this palette doesn't need much of an introduction. :) It's really as great as everyone else has made it out to be, and definitely something I don't regret purchasing! For some reason, Sephora increased the price of the palette from $78 to $80 though! :( But I guess even then, for what you're getting in this palette, at $80 it's still a worthy buy!


Sunday, January 29, 2012

Strictly Pancakes

Mmmmm... A food-filled post, my favourite. :) Just before school started, I had an impromptu lunch date with Ruth and Estee! (We had an intense Kinect session after too, but we didn't take any pictures, unfortunately! My body was sore all over the next day and I didn't even know why!) I'd been wanting to try Strictly Pancakes for a while now, so I suggested that we head there for lunch. :D

They have a selection of sweet and savoury pancakes. But since it was lunchtime, we all opted for the savoury pancakes.

Every serving of pancakes comes with complimentary butter of your choice, and a "shot" of maple syrup. I barely even touched these though, cos my pancakes had loads of sauce already!

Shared a Nutella milkshake with Ruth (so that we could share the calories too, haha). Tasted like the Nutella ice-cream that Island Creamery sells!

My pancakes with Garlic Buttered Prawns. It was very yummy, but it's a bit jelak after a while. And even though the 3 pancakes don't look like much, we were all full to the brim by the time we were done with the 2nd pancake!

Estee's Potatoes Leeking Cheese.

Ruth's Chicken A La King.

Aaaaand, what's lunch without a group picture? (Looking very fat and full here teehee.)


Wednesday, January 25, 2012

When my love left on a jetplane.

Earlier this month, it was G's turn to leave for his exchange in Canada. It was reminiscent of two years back when I left for my own exchange haha. :) We've already gone through "LDR" (in inverted commas cos it was only for less than half a year) once, so I suppose this time round it should be somewhat easier. Anyway, here's just a bunch of pictures from his sendoff haha.

I quite like this photo of us. :D

Byebye darling!

Haha we'll see you again in May. :)
